Vintage Digital


Classic Recording Studio Equipment

Equalisers, or EQs, are tools used in recording studios to adjust the frequency response of an audio signal. EQs are typically used to cut or boost certain frequencies, allowing the engineer to shape the overall sound of a recording. The frequency bands that an EQ can adjust can vary, but most common EQs feature a low-frequency band, a mid-frequency band, and a high-frequency band. The engineer can adjust the gain of each band to either cut or boost specific frequency ranges in the audio signal.

Equalisers can be used for a variety of purposes in the recording process. For example, a high-pass filter can be used to remove low-frequency rumble or noise, while a low-pass filter can be used to remove high-frequency hiss or unwanted harmonics. EQs can also be used to correct problems in the recording, such as excessive resonance or harshness in a particular frequency range. Additionally, EQs can be used creatively to shape the tone of a recording, such as boosting the bass for a heavier sound or cutting the mids for a more “scooped” sound. EQs are a crucial tool in the mixing process and can greatly affect the final sound of a recording.

Parametric equalisers, or parametric EQs, are a type of equaliser commonly used in recording studios. Unlike standard graphic EQs, which feature fixed frequency bands that can only be adjusted in level, parametric EQs allow the user to adjust the center frequency, bandwidth, and gain of each band independently. This provides the engineer with more precise control over the frequency response of the audio signal, allowing them to make very specific adjustments to the sound.

Parametric EQs are often used for more advanced equalisation tasks, such as surgical correction of resonant frequencies, precise tonal shaping of instruments, or adding emphasis to certain frequency ranges in a mix. The adjustable bandwidth, or “Q” factor, of each band also allows for more precise control over how much surrounding frequencies are affected by the EQ. Parametric EQs can be used for a variety of instruments and applications, including vocals, drums, guitars, and mastering. With their precise control and versatility, parametric EQs are a powerful tool for recording engineers and mixers, allowing them to fine-tune the sound of a recording with great accuracy.

Crane Song Ibis is an analog equalizer that boldly takes equalization to a new level of musicality.
Behold the Clariphonic Dual-Channel Parallel Equalizer from Kush Audio, a fiendishly clever new approach to equalization that was designed from the ground up to give you the kind of air, clarity, and presence previously found only in very expensive analog equalizers, the kind that are often old and difficult to find.
The dbx 2231 is a dual-function unit, blending a 31-band graphic equalizer with a limiter. Perfect for audio pros, it offers precise EQ for shaping and a built-in limiter for peak control. Ideal for studio, live sound, or installations, it’s a compact solution for comprehensive audio processing.
With an EQ heritage that has produced countless industry-standard patents and dates back more than 30 years, the dbx iEQ-31 easily lives up to the dbx® legacy of uncompromised sonic integrity.
The dbx iEQ-15 is a powerful graphic equalizer with 15 bands, perfect for precise audio control in various settings. Its compact design and user-friendly interface make it an excellent choice for both professionals and audio enthusiasts.
The dbx 1215 is a versatile graphic equalizer designed for audio professionals. With its 15 bands of precision EQ, it allows for precise control over the audio spectrum, making it ideal for shaping and fine-tuning sound in various applications. Whether you’re in a studio, live sound, or installed sound environment, the dbx 1215 offers reliable performance and flexibility in audio equalization.
The dbx 1231 is a high-performance graphic equalizer tailored for audio enthusiasts and professionals. Featuring 31 bands of precision EQ, it provides extensive control over the audio spectrum for shaping and optimizing sound in diverse settings. With its reliable design and versatility, the dbx 1231 is a go-to choice for those seeking advanced equalization capabilities in studio, live sound, or installed audio setups.
The IGS Rubber Bands Equalizer offers an all tube Pultec style equalizer.
The IGS iQ Inductor Equalizer offers the sweetest parametric EQ sound, with inductors offering similar saturation to transformers.
The SPL PQ is a unique equalizer, for several reasons. It has two times five fully parametric filter bands, each of which can be switched between constant Q and proportional Q! And there’s sheer unlimited headroom and a very special kind of EQ sound – thanks to 120V technology.
The Undertone Audio MPEQ-1 isone of the most powerful and musical Class A equalizers ever built as well as a wonderfully flexible, beautiful sounding Class A Mic Preamp/DI.
The Tegeler Creme combines a passive EQ based on the Pultec principle and a high end bus compressor in a single device.
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