Classic Recording Studio Gear

Vintage Digital

LaChapell Audio

The LaChapell Audio Model 992EG is a boutique, two channel, fully balanced instrument and microphone Tube Preamplifier hat no recording studio is complete without at least one.
The LaChapell Audio Model 583e Tube Microphone Preamplifier is the world’s first 500 series tube microphone preamplifier and features built in 3 band equalisation too!
The LaChapell Audio Model 503 Equaliser provides Mastering quality tone shaping from LaChapell Audio.
LaChapell Audio Model 583S Mk2 Microphone Preamplifier delivers is the world’s first 500 format tube mic preamplifier.
The LaChapell Audio Model 500TDI Tube Direct Box provides LaChapell Audio warmth and clarity for bass and other instrument pickups.
The LaChapell Audio Model 983S is a two-channel vacuum tube instrument and microphone preamp delivery LaChapell performance in a cost effective two channel package.